Synopsis They must fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. “As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next...
Spoiler Alert Synopsis Caretakers at a California horse ranch encounter a mysterious force that affects human and animal behavior. It’s very clear that Peele is inspired...
Synopsis: The Roman Catholic Church combats a global rise in demonic possessions by opening a school to train priests to perform exorcisms. Although nuns are forbidden...
Do you believe in blessings? This is the first question weâre asked in Kevin Koâs new film, Incantation. Blessings can be used to spread prosperity, and...
Synopsis: After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. As an overwhelming terror begins...
The first look at the “last” chapter of the Halloween franchise with the new Halloween Ends trailer. Halloween Ends will be released on October 14th 2022. ...
âEven moonlight blinds them, but tonight is a new moon and the Moon Eyed People will take their revengeâ
After two movies that finally brought the franchise to the big screen, it was announced just about two years ago that a brand new live-action âGoosebumpsâ...
Estherâs terrifying saga continues in this thrilling prequel to the original and shocking horror hit, Orphan
The new film horror ‘Death Count’ directed by Michael Su with Michael Madsen, Costas Mandylor, Sarah French and Devanny Pinn will release on July 19th. Synopsis:...