Director Conor Boru brings us a new horror/comedy written by him and Ed Hartland. Our friends at Horror Buzz have prepared the review down below! Check...
“A young couple unable to conceive travels to a doctor’s remote facility.” This is the short synopsis for Hamza Zaman 2022 Horror/Thriller. Let’s dive into the...
2021 Stefano Lodovichi Horror/Thriller 2021 ‘La Stanza’ (The Guest Room) is produced by Lucky Red and was distributed on Prime Video starting January 4, 2021. Outside...
‘Lullaby’ will hit theatres & VOD on December 16, 2022. John R. Leonetti (Annabelle) along with Vertical Entertainment and Alcon Entertainment will bring us the story of...
This week, Sony released the official trailer for Searching’s sequel ‘Missing’. Check it out up here! In the film, we find Storm Reid, Nia Long, Joaquim...
Rob Savage the director behind ‘Host’ will bring us a new horror movie titled ‘The Boogeyman‘ a Stephen King adaptation that will hit Hulu and that...
After many debates and whistleblowers on a possible adaptation of the horror/survival game BioShock, director Francis Lawrence finally believes he will be the one to pull...
After breaking the box office in Vietnam, Screambox snatched the film ‘Vietnamese Horror Story’ and it’s now streaming on the platform. In the film: “Terrifying tales...
RLJE Films, Shudder, and AMC+ have partnered and financed the thriller ‘The Apology‘. RLJE Films will release it on December 16 in theaters and streaming on...
Constantine 2 was announced back in September but now we know for sure that is finally happening. Keanu Reeves is coming back to play DC’S John...