Showtime’s upcoming prequel series to “Dexter,” initially named “Dexter: Origins,” has been rebranded as “Dexter: Original Sin,” as reported by Variety, which also announced Patrick Dempsey’s...
NEON has once again intrigued audiences with a cryptic teaser video for the upcoming film “Longlegs,” offering a glimpse of Kiernan Shipka and a closer look...
Matthew Hersh, known for his work on the SCREAMBOX horror movie “Night of the Missing,” steps into the director’s chair for his feature directorial debut with...
Lee Daniels, known for his directorial work on acclaimed films like “Precious” and “The Butler,” ventures into the horror genre with the upcoming Netflix Original movie,...
Max is gearing up to unveil a spine-chilling prequel series set in the eerie town of Derry, known for its terrifying encounters with Pennywise the Clown....
Briarcliff Entertainment and The Solution Entertainment Group are teaming up to bring Steven C. Miller’s thrilling werewolf movie, “Werewolves,” to theaters, according to a recent report...
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, the dynamic duo behind the iconic “28 Days Later,” are teaming up once again for the highly anticipated sequel trilogy, “28...
As Halloween approaches, fans of the Saw franchise eagerly anticipate the release of the latest installment, Saw XI, slated for Halloween 2025. While the series won’t...
Director Maggie Gyllenhaal is resurrecting the beloved Bride of Frankenstein for her upcoming film “The Bride!”, and she’s bringing her brother Jake Gyllenhaal along for the...
Coming soon from SpookHouse MediaWorks and Strange Films Studios is a horror movie titled Piglet, the latest twisted take on a public-domain character from the Pooh universe....