HBO’s original series “Welcome to Derry” has expanded its cast this week, as reported by Deadline, with Rudy Mancuso (known for “The Flash”) securing a pivotal...
Following the successes of “A Quiet Place” and “65,” Scott Beck and Bryan Woods are now helming the horror film “Heretic” for A24, with the official...
According to a recent report from Variety, Virginia Gardner and Grace Caroline Currey, the stars of the fear-of-heights thriller ‘Fall’ (2022), are set to reunite for...
Variety has revealed that Giant Pictures has acquired the rights to “Art of a Hit,” described as a “musical horror-thriller,” set for release in 2024 in...
The much-anticipated trailer for Robert Eggers’ remake of ‘Nosferatu‘ made its debut exclusively in theaters over the weekend, followed swiftly by its online release as promised....
Adam MacDonald, known for his previous works “Backcountry” and “Pyewacket,” returns this year with “Out Come the Wolves,” a survival horror film that has recently received...
Universal has announced a chilling release date for director Mike Flanagan‘s new Exorcist movie, set to haunt theaters on March 13, 2026, fittingly landing on a...
NEON has confirmed plans for a sequel to the horror hit “It Follows,” titled “They Follow,” with David Robert Mitchell returning as writer and director. Maika...
Brandy (I Still Know What You Did Last Summer) will return to horror in the upcoming A24 horror movie The Front Room, and the official trailer...
Blumhouse’s expansion of the ‘M3GAN’ universe continues with the announcement of a spinoff horror movie titled ‘SOULM8TE,’ set to hit theaters on January 2, 2026. This...