With the reintroduction of the original franchise in the Starz series “Ash vs. Evil Dead” in 2013, Fede Alvarez’s version of the Evil Dead series has...
Ash Williams, the franchise’s hero, won’t appear in the upcoming Evil Dead Rising because the film would instead concentrate on new characters. For what it’s worth,...
I Know What You Did Last Summer: The Sequel, which Jennifer Kaytin Robinson (Do Revenge) will be helming for Sony Pictures, was first announced back in...
The sixth episode of the Scream series, which was directed by Radio Silence, outperformed the opening weekends of all the other films, as was to be...
Unexpectedly, the “Mission: Impossible” and “Ted Lasso” universes have merged. Hannah Waddingham, who plays Rebecca Welton on Apple TV+’s “Ted Lasso,” has been cast in the...
The release of the local horror film “Hoon Payon,” which was scheduled to hit theaters on Thursday, has been delayed by Thailand’s film censors. The movie’s...
Stephen King is one of the many fans of the current top film on Hulu. The author expressed his worry about this PG-13 thriller that has...
On February 23, Weinstein was given a 16-year extension in Los Angeles for the rape of the unnamed woman known only as Jane Doe 1. Evgeniya...
The sixth time could be the charm as “Scream VI” is poised to have a potentially record-breaking weekend at the box office. The American box office...
The Ancestral, the terrifying new horror movie from acclaimed director Le-Van Kiet, has been acquired by Cinedigm and Bloody Disgusting for the entire North American market....