Stone age horrors will be unleashed in “The Origin,” an intriguing new horror project set during the Palaeolithic period. Bleecker Street has acquired North American rights...
Misha Green, the creator of “Lovecraft Country,” is set to make her feature directorial debut with Lionsgate’s “Sunflower.” Joining the cast are Jurnee Smollett, who previously...
Sam Raimi’s Raimi Productions and Hammerstone Studios (known for “Barbarian”) are joining forces for the upcoming horror film “Don’t Move,” and the latest report from THR...
Stephen King’s ‘The Boogeyman is set to unleash on June 2, 2023, and tickets are on sale now! From the creative minds of 20th Century Studios...
Director Christophe Gans is making a comeback to the franchise with “Return to Silent Hill,” a new film adaptation of Silent Hill 2. Filming commenced last...
Tea Shop Productions, known for their work on “47 Meters Down” and “Fall,” is set to bring another thrilling horror movie to the big screen. Titled...
The excitement continues to build for the long-awaited sequel to Tim Burton‘s “Beetlejuice,” as the casting for “Beetlejuice 2” gains momentum. In the latest update, Willem...
In terms of size and talent, the cast for Radio Silence’s (V/H/S, Southbound, Scream, Scream VI) enigmatic “Untitled Monster Thriller” for Universal is looking enormous. Dan...
The acquisition of the U.S. distribution rights for two films from Polish director Jagoda Szelc by Yellow Veil Pictures, a New York and Los Angeles-based arthouse...
In order to create Festival of the Living Dead, a new horror film based on George Romero‘s famous zombie film, Jen & Sylvia Soska (Rabid, American...