Toho, the Japanese production company that created Godzilla, has released a mysterious poster for their next Godzilla movie. The poster features a black background with the...
Apple TV+ has announced that the upcoming series “The Changeling” will premiere on September 8th. The series is an adaptation of Victor LaValle’s novel of the...
Spirit Halloween has been in the news before this summer with their new animatronics coming for the Halloween 2023 season. Spirit Halloween has also become a staple for all...
Final Destination is a franchise that brings real-world situations into a horror movie environment. Viewers who have watched the films became terrified of driving behind trucks holding...
Cillian Murphy, the star of 28 Days Later, has said that he would be “up for it” if a sequel were to be made 28 years...
Blue Fox Entertainment is set to release the supernatural haunter The Mistress in theaters and on VOD on July 28, 2023. The film was written and...
Production has wrapped on Little Bites, a new horror movie from director Spider One. The film stars Krsy Fox, Barbara Crampton, Heather Langenkamp, and Bonnie Aarons....
The Purge franchise has been a financial success for Universal Pictures, grossing over $535 million at the global box office against combined budgets of just $53...
The classic fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” is getting a dark and twisted makeover in the upcoming horror movie ‘Belle’ precedently reported by Scotty here...
The trailer for Neon Noir’s Giallo slasher That’s a Wrap has been released by Bloody Disgusting. The film is set to release on digital platforms on...