Horror-Thriller ‘Stay Safe’ Stationed in the Middle of a Pandemic Hotzone

“Shameless” star Kate Miner, pictured, and “The Rookie’s” Jason Canela are set to topline Stay Safe, a horror-thriller about a Pandemic Hotzone, Deadline says.
In the film…
“Stationed on the front lines of a Pandemic Hotzone, the pic follows Army Surgeon Eva’s (Miner) attempt to uncover the truth behind a subliminal message she received from a patient while dealing with the unexpected arrival of an illegal immigrant into her home.”
Stay Safe has entered post-production and features Miner as Eva and Canela as Patricio, with Katalina Viteri (Midnight in the Switchgrass) also starring.
American Entertainment Investors, Synkronized Films and Elipsis Capital are behind the film, with Daniela Delfino, who also features in Stay Safe, Joseph Cohen and Alex Cohen producing.
Writers are David Gregg, Gia Neri, Rolando Vinas and director is Carlos V. Gutierrez, with a story by Clarence Williams IV.