“Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge” Trailer Released
The Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge trailer is here thanks to the awesome folks at Arrow in the Head.
Recently, fairytales meeting horror have been all the rage. For example, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey were some of the latest to get a bloody run.
Of course, we know the way this fairytale goes. While the bears are away, a very spoiled Goldilocks makes her way through their home ruining meals, beds, and everything else you could think of. Of course, once the bears get home Goldilocks is in big trouble.
The trailer looks to take significant liberties and mix it up quite a bit. There is going to be a lot of gore, that is all we know for sure.
The film is currently in post-production as of May 13, 2023, so expect a release date announcement soon!