‘Evil Dead Rise’ Director Teases Sequel

The Evil Dead franchise is alive and well, as proven by the success of its latest installment into the franchise, Evil Dead Rise. The new film, which is a continuation of the world created by Sam Raimi, hit theaters back in April and went on to gross more than $146 million. It was most certainly a winner for Warner Bros. theatrically, and this led fans to wonder if another sequel will be on the way.
Evil Dead Rise director, Lee Cronin, has mixed feelings about directing another sequel. He spoke with The Hollywood Reporter, where he discussed his thoughts on making another film in the already successful Evil Dead franchise. He was quoted as saying:
“Look, [another Evil Dead] is always a possibility,” Cronin said. “I had a great experience making this movie with some really great people, and in success, that makes you look at what is possible next. When I was announced as the person to do this movie, it’s not that I wasn’t the obvious choice. There were some people that would’ve known who I was from my previous film, horror aficionados, and people that liked that movie. But I came from a bit of a different place. There is a part of me that’s interested in planting a very different flag within the genre. This film has a lot of intensity, it has a lot of its own energy and maybe it would be gratifying for me to just go and do something else.”
Cronin went on to say that, while he’d like to do something different, he also feels tempted to go back to the world of The Evil Dead and follow Evil Dead Rise with another story. He continued to say to The Hollywood Reporter:
“But equally, it’s also very tempting to look back into this world, particularly the characters that have survived and the new lore that I’ve brought into play. So it’s certainly something to be discussed. It’s something that we discussed on set because when you’re making a movie in a franchise, you’re always talking about what’s next and what’s possible. So I suppose I’m in the lucky position where I have some choice, whereas in the past when you’re trying to crawl up the ladder to be a filmmaker with any focus on you, you’re just going after the thing that you’re desperate to get made. So it’s nice right now. You talked about things in a drawer, and I put down other original ideas and original screenplays to go and make Evil Dead Rise. So it’s nice to be in this moment where I’m able to look around and think about what’s next. Sometimes, it’s about the relay. So I love all my children equally, and let’s see who’s the quickest to the start line, so we can start the race again with another movie.”
Evil Dead Rise had a phenomenal run at the box office a few months ago, but the acclaimed franchise sequel is already on streaming platforms for anyone to consume at their leisure. The film was added to the catalog on Max this month. All you need is a subscription to Max and you can watch the film yourself.