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Cillian Murphy Ready to Return for 28 Days Later Sequel if Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are Involved




Cillian Murphy, the star of 28 Days Later, has said that he would be “up for it” if a sequel were to be made 28 years after the events of the original film.

Murphy, who is currently promoting Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, spoke to Collider about the possibility of a sequel. He said that he had recently spoken to director Danny Boyle about the project and that they were both “approaching the 28 Years Later” mark.

“I’d love to do it,” Murphy said. “If Alex [Garland] thinks there’s a script in it and Danny wants to do it, I’d love to do it.”

In the original 28 Days Later, Murphy played Jim, a bicycle courier who wakes up from a coma to find himself in an apocalyptic England that’s overrun by people who have been infected by a rage virus. The film was a critical and commercial success, and it spawned a sequel, 28 Weeks Later, which was released in 2007.

If 28 Years Later were to be made, it would be the first time that Murphy would have reprised the role of Jim. However, Boyle and Garland have said that they are not interested in making a sequel unless they can come up with a story that is both original and exciting.

“We’re not going to do it just for the sake of doing it,” Boyle said. “We have to have a really good reason to do it.”

It is unclear if or when a 28 Years Later will be made, but Murphy’s comments suggest that he is at least open to the idea. Fans of the original film will be hoping that Boyle and Garland can find a way to make the sequel happen.

Born in winter's coldest month, December, Francesco's inner passion for all things spooky begins with him. Horror aficionado since a young age, Francesco's thirst for horror brings him to consume many films and books, setting the basis for a film-making career in horror, thriller, and sci-fi. Francesco's idea to bring horror fans one step closer is finally a reality with GoreCulture, established on May 2022.

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