‘The Harbinger’ Haunting Official Trailer 2022

Plagued by horrific nightmares, a woman enters a hellish dreamscape to confront her greatest fears.
Harbinger combines our reality with a classic horror plot. This horror movie packs a powerful message. I’ve only watched the trailer a few times, what I gather is that this is going to be an interesting different way of storytelling. I’m very excited about how the direction of this film, seems to be going. Director Andy Mitton has a great eye. Made with a small budget, this horror movie works extremely well.
The movie deals in life and death situation. Monique who’s played by actress (Gabby Beans) who is living with her brother at their father’s house. He has failed health, so they’re helping him during the pandemic. This movie takes place in the height of the pandemic, which makes this film even more interesting. Not only the challenges you face making the film with film protocols, but I think the entire team made something special. Definitely recommend.
Go watch out now!