Synopsis A small country girl finds a mysterious egg in a field and brings it to her town Now a giant nine-meters monster rises from...
Everyone knows that horror can cause us to feel terror, revulsion, and even paranoia. But the genre has a longstanding tradition of causing other emotions; sadness...
Hey there, my name is Cindy Sanabria aka Slaughter Cin, She-Wolf Empress of Gore! You may (or may not) know me as the horror host, filmmaker,...
The concept of horror has always been a popular one in film and literature. Naturally, it translates well into comics, one of the most exciting media...
The First ‘Post-Modern Meta, South-Eastern Gothic, Folk Horror, Bloody Psychological Slasher B-Movie’… EVER!!! As a life-long horror fan, I wrote ‘The Witches of the Sands’ as...
Today I want to present you with a new horror comedy very unique and interesting. It’s titled ‘Mistletoe Massacre‘ from Shawn Phillips. In the film Marion...
Today we are presenting you another indie film titled ‘Up on the Housetop’ a classic Christmas horror comedy that follows the traditional old school monster style...
Today we are presenting a unique horror movie with a very interesting idea. Grotesque is about a young woman Mildred Moyer (Elizabeth Chamberlain) who was born...
Chris Stuckmann is a film critic who for a decade reviewed films on his YouTube channel. His debut film is a horror film and its Kickstarter...