After a year of dedicated production, Womp Stomp Films has successfully wrapped principal photography for “Never Hike Alone 2,” as...
Mark Cantu, a talented director that has struck the film industry by storm with his hit film, Massacre Academy, has another film that is set to release...
Mark Cantu, an award-winning writer/director based out of Pittsburgh just showed us his new film titled ‘Wolf Hollow’ which is currently completed. In ‘Wolf Hollow‘ “Alex...
I love Indie horror film. There is such passion and unmatched potential very hard to find elsewhere. Olivia Celine’s ‘Colored River’ wants to give a voice...
Brought by Rugged Entertainment, ‘Zompocalypse Therapy Sessions’ is directed, written, and produced by Blaze Lovejoy (“God’s Waiting List”, and “Actual Images: The Valley Murders”) starring Blaze...
Today I bring you a very well-shot and effective horror short film by Daniel Meyers. I have to admit, the photography and the actors really did...
Horror Filmmakers Francesco Monti & Meosha Bean present to you 10 scary horror shorts to celebrate together this spooky season. Buckle up your seatbelts, let's ride!
In a previous article, I talked about a new Indie slasher/horror film titled ‘Grotesque’ that was undergoing a funding campaign. The campaign was a success and...
Synopsis Plagued by horrific nightmares, a woman enters a hellish dreamscape to confront her greatest fears. Harbinger combines our reality with a classic horror plot....
‘Lisa’ is about two young women dealing with guilt and grief. They use a Ouija board to contact their dead roommate for details about her death....