The highly anticipated found-footage horror film, regarded by many on social media as one of the scariest films of the...
Read the article untill the end for an exclusive interview and details on the new film. We at Gore Culture specialize in horror, and I have...
What happens when a marriage goes South? Project Paranoia explores depression & friendship while uncovering internal demons in the aftermath of the COVID Pandemic.
Longtime fans are aware that Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead started out as a brief proof-of-concept movie called Inside the Woods, but did you realize that...
The second season of “From” and a brand-new Amityville Horror special will be available on April 23 as part of the MGM+ streaming service’s “Halfway to...
Check out this exclusive poster and images for ‘The Black Demon’ featuring a Massive Megalodon Shark!
The movie's first trailer has also been made public.
Dear horror readers, I want to share with you something that is not getting quite the attention it deserves. I am talking about the exclusive screening...