AEW Holding First Ever Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match

Gun Interactive’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game releases on Friday, August 18, and the pro wrestling promotion AEW is celebrating in a highly unique way.
An official partnership with the upcoming multiplayer slasher game, AEW is hosting the first-ever “Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match Championship” on their popular weekly show “AEW Dynamite” next Wednesday night, August 16, at 8/7c live on TBS.
What exactly is a “Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match Championship”? Well, it sounds like a new spin on an anything-goes “Hardcore Match,” and the participants are Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy. In last night’s promo spot, Jeff Jarrett even teased that Leatherface himself “just might be in the house,” so you better believe we’ll be watching next Wednesday night.
For those who don’t follow professional wrestling, AEW is a rival promotion to WWE, and with major financial backing, it’s become the first legit competition for Vince McMahon’s company in two decades. AEW holds weekly live television events and regular pay-per-view events, the roster filled out with fresh new stars as well as big names who used to work for WWE.
As unique as next week’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre-themed match promises to be, it’s not even the first horror movie-themed pro wrestling match we’ve seen this year. At WrestleMania 39 in April, WWE held a “Hell in a Cell” match between Edge and Finn Balor that was presented by The Pope’s Exorcist, and it even kicked off with a Russell Crowe appearance.
This also won’t be the first time Leatherface appears in a pro wrestling ring, as former WWE superstar Corporal Kirchner adopted the Leatherface persona when he wrestled in Japan – and yes, he dressed in a full Leatherface costume, which he wrestled in. But I digress.
Don’t miss the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match Championship” on AEW next week!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be launching on August 18 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and the Microsoft Store, and will be launching into Game Pass on Xbox and PC. The events take place *before* Tobe Hooper’s original classic.
Kane Hodder is playing Leatherface, and Ed Neal, who played the Hitchhiker in Tobe Hooper’s original horror classic, will be reprising the role in the upcoming game.
Here’s the plot synopsis: “A group of five young adults led by Ana Flores set out to search for her missing sister. What they found was terror beyond their wildest nightmares.”