AMC FearFest 2023 Starts On September 25th

AMC FearFest is a staple horrorthon for horror fans worldwide during the spooky month of October. However, this year is a bit different. FearFest, which typically was all month long, has extended its schedule about five days or so longer, or earlier, however you look at it. This year, AMC FearFest will begin airing horror films on AMC and AMC+ on September 25, 2023 and day one of the FearFest schedule is a Scream marathon. Other titles have been announced by the crew at AMC FearFest, as more films that they’ll play are being announced during the schedule’s release, with titles, such as Trick ‘r Treat, Poltergeist, The Shining, and Firestarter being some already announced for this year’s line up. Once the full schedule has been announced by the end of September, we’ll be sure to post the list of films you can enjoy the entire month of October.