Directed by Daniel J. Phillips (Awoken), the possession horror film Diabolic is set to make its debut at the American...
Summer has officially come to an end, and autumn-themed activities are underway. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with them, so here’s a list of 10...
The Slasher Scotty podcast is taking the online world by storm with some exclusive content that gives viewers a look behind the scenes of their favorite television shows...
Summertime is synonymous with staycations — because frankly, you’re too poor to go anywhere and so utterly exhausted that the idea of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic...
While spring typically conjures images of life with blossoming flowers, frolicking rabbits, and longer sunny days, it can also serve as the breeding ground for a...
In a world of franchises that seem to go on endlessly, it’s refreshing to see films that aren’t just rehashes of the same old ideas. This...
As we embark on the journey that is 2024, horror movie enthusiasts find themselves immersed in a sea of anticipation for what promises to be a...
It’s been decades since Predator’s 1987 debut, but that hasn’t stopped arguments over whether Arnold Schwarzenegger’s use of mud camouflage would really ward off a bloodthirsty...
As we approach the onset of October, the horror genre is gearing up for a thrilling wave of new releases in the coming weeks. However, before...
Explore the latest in horror cinema, from A24's "Talk to Me" success to surprise releases and upcoming spooky films releasing this week