Home Depot Selling Talking Animatronic Chucky Doll This Halloween

While we wait to find out if USA and SYFY are going to #RenewChucky for a fourth season, Home Depot has announced a killer new Chucky animatronic is headed our way.
Set for release this Halloween season, the Home Depot Exclusive animatronic decoration measures 3.5 feet tall, and it features both motion and sound bites from Brad Dourif!
Home Depot’s official teaser video previews, “Standing 3.5 feet tall, this freckled relic of the 1980s is everyone’s best friend… and worst enemy. He may look innocent enough in his striped shirt and overalls, but play at your own risk. The 3.5-foot animated Chucky is motion sensor activated; his head and body start to move, blink, and speak. But he isn’t toying around.”
The decoration will be selling for $199.99 in stores and online from Home Depot, which is more than reasonable for what looks to be one of the better Chucky decorations on the market.
Home Depot has been stepping up its Halloween game in recent years, making headlines with its giant-sized decorations, and this is one of its coolest offerings to date.