Neve Campbell‘s meteoric rise to stardom, thanks to her iconic role in the “Scream” film franchise following her success on “Party of Five,” has been a...
Blink 182 musician Tom DeLonge is channeling his passion for UFOs and extraterrestrial activity into a feature film, titled Monsters of California and releasing this October. Gizmodo shares the official...
Holiday traditions take a dark and chilling turn in the upcoming horror film “There’s Something in the Barn,” and today, Bloody Disgusting has the exclusive reveal...
Shudder, Studio71, Cinepocalypse, and Bloody Disgusting are gearing up to transport viewers back to the nostalgic depths of the 1980s with their latest horror offering, “V/H/S/85.”...
Prepare for the return of the legendary Godzilla in Toho’s latest offering, “Godzilla Minus One,” marking the first Japanese-produced Godzilla film since the release of “Shin...
World Makers’ spine-chilling social deduction horror game, Deceit 2, has arrived, as declared by its exhilarating launch trailer! Today marks the game’s release on Steam, and...
After years of anticipation, Hekate’s highly awaited WWI psychological horror game, Ad Infinitum, has finally made its debut today across multiple platforms, including PC via Steam,...
Darren Lynn Bousman, known for his work on films like Saw II-IV and Spiral, has returned with his latest horror movie, “Cello,” which had its World...
Freestyle Digital Media Secures North American Theatrical Rights for Mongolian Horror Film ‘Aberrance‘ Freestyle Digital Media has made an exciting acquisition by obtaining the North American...
Explore the latest in horror cinema, from A24's "Talk to Me" success to surprise releases and upcoming spooky films releasing this week