Production for “MaXXXine,” the sequel to director Ti West’s films “Pearl” and “X,” reportedly wrapped up in May. Around the same time, production company and distributor...
Have you ever imagined if a concept similar to Pokémon Go could be applied to horror games? Spectropia Studios certainly believes it’s possible. They have joined...
Netflix’s immensely popular series, “Squid Game,” is expanding its universe with the upcoming reality competition spinoff series titled “Squid Game: The Challenge.” The show is set...
Five months after its initial release on the Nintendo Switch, “The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan” is getting some company. Supermassive Games and Bandai Namco...
Dean Fujioka (“Fullmetal Alchemist”) and Callum Woodhouse (“All Creatures Great and Small”) are set to take the lead roles in the upcoming creature feature “Orang Ikan,”...
Shudder, Studio71, Cinepocalypse, and Bloody Disgusting are set to take viewers on a nostalgic trip back to the 1980s with “V/H/S/85,” a film that will make...
Actress Aisling Franciosi, known for her roles in “The Nightingale” and “Last Voyage of the Demeter,” is gearing up for her next project, the intriguing horror...
Kevin Greutert’s “Saw X” is bringing Jigsaw back to the big screen on September 29, offering a sequel to the original “Saw” movie that promises an...
At the Tokyo Game Show 2023, Director Hideaki Itsuno took the stage to kickstart Capcom’s presence and provide gamers with an in-depth look at the highly...
Demián Rugna, the filmmaker who sent shivers down audiences’ spines with “Terrified” in 2017, is back with a bone-chilling new horror movie titled “When Evil Lurks.”...