The upcoming Netflix thriller, “Leave the World Behind,” directed by Sam Esmail, the creator of “Mr. Robot,” boasts an ensemble cast that’s set to become one...
Lionsgate’s enduring horror franchise, Saw, has roared back to life with its tenth installment, Saw X, gracing theaters across the nation. And it seems Lionsgate has...
Developments have been relatively hushed in the realm of Cloud Chamber and the eagerly anticipated fourth installment of the BioShock series. However, recent events have thrown...
Trick or Treat Studios is undoubtedly the standout star of this year’s ongoing Toy Fair, consistently wowing attendees with a slew of jaw-dropping new action figures...
Trick or Treat Studios has an exciting treat in store for horror fans – an official Chucky board game that was recently unveiled at this year’s...
Trick or Treat Studios continues to dominate Toy Fair 2023 with a thrilling lineup of new horror revelations, and their latest focus is none other than...
Trick or Treat Studios is making waves at Toy Fair 2023, delighting enthusiasts with a slew of captivating toy reveals, and we’re here to bring you...
“Terrifier 2” is set to make a grand appearance at this weekend’s Toy Fair, where Trick or Treat Studios is set to unveil an exciting sneak...
NECA has unveiled a captivating array of upcoming “Toony Terrors” toys during this weekend’s Toy Fair, promising a thrilling Series 9 that includes beloved characters like...
Hot on the heels of the release of “Saw X,” Trick or Treat Studios has made yet another exciting announcement during the ongoing Toy Fair. Scheduled...