Trick or Treat Studios made a sensational splash at Toy Fair over the weekend, and one of the standout reveals was an upcoming action figure collection...
The forthcoming slasher film, “Founders Day,” is gearing up for its Canadian premiere at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival, scheduled to take place from October...
As Saw X unexpectedly emerges as a critical success, boasting an 87% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as the first “fresh” installment in the Saw franchise, it’s...
The long-standing dispute over the ownership of the Friday the 13th franchise has been a significant chapter in horror movie history. While the dust has settled...
Hollywood’s acclaimed horror writer, Akela Cooper, known for her work on films like “Malignant” and “M3GAN,” is embarking on her next project, and Deadline has the...
Following the success of the 2018 film, “The Nun II” has proven to be another hit within The Conjuring Universe, accumulating an impressive $231 million in...
Scooter McCrae, the director known for cult classics like “Shatter Dead” (1994) and “Sixteen Tongues” (1999), has successfully completed filming his third feature film, titled “Black...
Console gamers have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Team17 Digital and Trepang Studios’ supernatural first-person shooter, Trepang2, and the time has finally come. The game,...
This Halloween season, Universal and Blumhouse are set to bring the popular horror game “Five Nights at Freddy’s” to the big screen for the first time,...
Hulu delves into the realm of extreme haunted houses in their original documentary titled “Monster Inside: America’s Most Extreme Haunted House.” This upcoming Huluween Original Documentary...