The official trailer for the Showtime Original Series “The Curse” has just dropped, and it’s generating quite the buzz. Produced by A24 and featuring the talented...
James DeMonaco, the mastermind behind “The Purge” franchise, is making a triumphant return to the horror genre with an all-new chilling thriller titled “The Home,” starring...
Announced back in June, Dambuster and Deep Silver are gearing up to deliver the first thrilling story expansion for Dead Island 2 next month. This exciting...
Sad News: Director Jeff Burr, Known for 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre III,' Passes Away at 60.
We’re just on the verge of the highly anticipated release of “Dark Harvest,” directed by David Slade, known for his work on “Hard Candy,” “30 Days...
Gravitas Ventures Unveils Official Trailer for "Deep Fear," the Upcoming Shark Attack Thriller.
Fresh from his comedic role as Clifton in this year’s horror comedy, “The Blackening,” Jermaine Fowler is poised to make a return to the genre with...
Transgressive Production is excited to announce that Screamfest LA will host the Pandemonium premiere, the latest feature from filmmaker Quarxx (All the Gods in the Sky)....
Universal found itself in a challenging position over the weekend of October 6-8 with the release of The Exorcist: Believer, intended as the start of a...
This Friday, on the rare occasion of Friday the 13th, the iconic Blairstown Diner, known for its appearance in the 1980 classic Friday the 13th, is...