SpectreVision, the production company known for horror gems like “Mandy” and “Daniel Isn’t Real,” has joined forces with Pluto TV, a streaming platform, to bring viewers...
In Jason Miller‘s inaugural directorial venture, “Ghosts of the Void,” a chilling exploration of the American Dream’s fragility takes center stage. A newly released trailer delves...
The tenth installment in the iconic franchise, Saw X, has proven to be a box office sensation, raking in over $70 million in earnings. Exciting news...
As the eagerly anticipated third installment of the series approaches, Tripwire remains dedicated to keeping the Killing Floor 2 community engaged with fresh content. In this...
In less than a month following its release, Neowiz’s innovative spin on the Pinocchio tale, “Lies of P,” has achieved remarkable sales figures in the Soulslike...
As fans eagerly await the arrival of the Greg Nicotero-designed Leatherface skin, Gun Interactive has exciting news for players of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video...
Womp Stomp Films Unleashes "Never Hike Alone 2," the Much-Anticipated Fan Film Sequel.
Fede Alvarez, known for his work on films like Evil Dead (2013) and Don’t Breathe, embarked on the journey of directing the latest installment in the...
Get ready for a spine-chilling treat just in time for Halloween. Full Moon Productions is set to unleash a new supernatural horror film titled “Bring Her...
FX is set to deliver a spine-tingling Halloween treat with the return of their spinoff series, “American Horror Stories,” this month. This special four-episode event promises...