The forthcoming addition to Paramount’s popular horror franchise, “A Quiet Place: Day One,” is poised to be an expansion of the cinematic universe and is scheduled...
Psychedelic Horror Film "Do Not Disturb" Unleashes a Cannibal Nightmare.
Mike Flanagan, known for his adaptations of Stephen King’s works such as “Gerald’s Game” and “Doctor Sleep,” is set to venture into King’s realm once more...
Before the age of “Sharknado” stormed into pop culture, prolific producer Roger Corman introduced the world to “Sharktopus” in 2010, a SYFY original movie that featured...
Netflix's Blockbuster Hit "Squid Game" Inspires Reality Competition Spinoff: "Squid Game: The Challenge".
Prime Video Expands Video Game Adaptations with "Fallout" TV Series.
Hercule Poirot Embarks on a Terrifying Journey in 'A Haunting in Venice'.
David Gordon Green’s “The Exorcist: Believer” has crossed the $100 million mark at the global box office, and now, it’s making its way to digital platforms,...
Over the past weekend, “The Exorcist: Believer,” directed by David Gordon Green and serving as a legacy sequel to the iconic horror franchise, achieved a significant...
Prepare for a cinematic experience like no other as “The Hyperborean” emerges from the creative minds of Tony Burgess, the writer behind “Pontypool,” and the director...