In ‘Wicked City’ A group of urban witches push their powers to new heights and uncover dark secrets that attract dangerous enemies their way. Check out...
“Can You Survive Five Nights at Freddy’s?” The beloved video game series, Five Nights at Freddy’s, crafted by Scott Cawthon, captivated gamers with its heart-pounding, jump-scare-laden...
Nicely Entertainment, based in Los Angeles, is expanding its portfolio beyond female-driven romance by introducing Darkly Entertainment, a label dedicated to thrillers and genre content. The...
Renny Harlin’s action thriller “The Bricklayer,” featuring Aaron Eckhart and Nina Dobrev, is set for a day-and-date release in the U.S. early next year, courtesy of...
Mike Flanagan, known for his work on “Gerald’s Game” and “Doctor Sleep,” is returning to the world of Stephen King with the adaptation of “The Life...
For fans of Robert Eggers’ eerie masterpiece, “The Lighthouse,” and those who found delight in Hidden Fields’ “Mundaun,” there’s a new must-see title on the horizon...
Since its 2007 debut, “Trick ‘r Treat,” the creation of Michael Dougherty, has become a beloved and enduring entry in the world of seasonal anthologies, evolving...
“Godzilla Minus One,” the latest addition to Toho’s legendary monster franchise and the closing film at this year’s Tokyo Film Festival, has successfully secured a distribution...
Apple is implementing price increases for several of its subscription services, with the notable changes affecting Apple TV+ and other offerings. Apple TV+ is seeing its...
Deadline reports that ‘The Exchange’ is set to launch international sales rights for the thrilling sci-fi action film, “World Breaker.” The introduction of this title to...