In 2020, Director Egor Abramenko added a unique twist to the creature feature genre with “Sputnik.” Now, he’s venturing into the realm of biblical horror with...
Director Jacob Vaughan, known for “Bad Mil0,” is set to explore the tension between an expecting couple and an advanced AI home security system in the...
Upcoming Stone Age horror film ‘Out of Darkness,’ previously known as ‘The Origin,’ is set to unleash prehistoric terrors in theaters on February 9, 2024. The...
Alex Wolff, known for his roles in “Hereditary,” “Old,” and the upcoming “A Quiet Place: Day One,” is stepping into the director’s chair for the dark...
Following a successful festival run, the found footage sci-fi horror film, “Hostile Dimensions,” is set to bring its multiverse madness to audiences in 2024. Screen Daily...
The month filled with new horror releases comes to an eerie close on this Halloween day, falling on a New Release Tuesday this year. This unique...
Director Eli Roth’s much-anticipated slasher film, “Thanksgiving,” is set to hit theaters on November 17th, just before the holiday itself. The film features a killer with...
Director Zak Hilditch, known for his work on the Stephen King adaptation “1922,” is gearing up for his next project, a survival thriller titled “We Bury...
In August 2022, Lionsgate unleashed ‘Fall,’ a heart-pounding tale of survival produced by the team behind ’47 Meters Down.’ Fear reached new heights in this gripping...
Larry Fessenden, the visionary behind films such as ‘Wendigo,’ ‘Habit,’ and ‘Depraved,’ is set to return with a thrilling new werewolf horror movie entitled ‘Blackout.’ The...