Toho’s eagerly awaited release, “Godzilla Minus One,” is set to storm theaters in the United States in just one short month, with its official release date...
Abigail Schaaff, a filmmaker based in Barcelona, is taking the reins of the upcoming film titled “The Monster of Many Noses,” and Variety is offering an...
Fresh off the recent release of ‘The Voidness’ earlier this year, Steelkrill Studio, the developer, is back in action with an all-new cosmic horror title named...
Toho’s much-anticipated release, “Godzilla Minus One,” is rapidly approaching its U.S. theater debut, with just one more month to go before it officially hits screens on...
Tonight, we celebrate the nationwide return of the unrated mega-slasher, “Terrifier 2.” In a unique twist, we’re extending the Halloween season this year, bringing Art the...
Well Go USA Entertainment is gearing up for a holiday season with a twist, as the Christmas horror movie “A Creature Was Stirring” is set to...
Director Luke Sparke, known for “Occupation,” is back with his latest project, the underground horror movie titled “Scurry.” Variety offers an exclusive first look at the...
In an exciting development in the world of horror cinema, a “high concept horror film” titled “Rosario” is set to grace the screens, featuring a talented...
Expanding from the faux trailer that originated in the Grindhouse Double Feature of 2007, Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving” is poised to bring a blood-soaked spectacle to theaters...
One of the most pressing questions in the world of horror releases this year centers around the whereabouts of the ‘Salem’s Lot‘ remake. As reported by...