The second season of the horror-comedy series “Shining Vale” is nearing its conclusion, with the second-to-last episode titled “Coven” set to debut this week. Prior to...
Techland continues its streak of crossovers in “Dying Light 2,” this time partnering with Ubisoft to introduce elements from Ubisoft’s “For Honor” into the expansive zombie-filled...
Prime Video’s collaboration with the renowned author, “Harlan Coben’s Shelter,” debuted earlier this summer but has faced cancellation by Amazon this week, marking the end of...
Adapted from the popular podcast, Amazon’s original series “The Horror of Dolores Roach” premiered on Prime Video in July but has now been axed after its...
Five months ago we informed you that High Stake Entertainment announced their upcoming horror film, ‘Down Below,’ with Eric Roberts confirmed to headline the chilling tale...
In 1991, director Martin Scorsese reimagined the 1962 film ‘Cape Fear,’ based on John D. MacDonald’s novel ‘The Executioners’ from 1957, in collaboration with Steven Spielberg’s...
Fresh from the success of last year’s ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies,’ A24 and director Halina Reijn reunite for ‘Babygirl,’ an upcoming erotic thriller boasting an impressive ensemble....
Following the unveiling of five fresh nightmares earlier this year in its sixth season, Netflix has greenlit “Black Mirror” for Season 7, as reported by Variety....
Darren Lynn Bousman, known for his work on films like ‘Saw II-IV’ and ‘Spiral,’ returns with a chilling new horror movie titled ‘The Cello,’ which premiered...
Reports from Variety magazine’s latest digital issue indicate Melissa Barrera, known for her roles in ‘Scream’ and ‘Scream VI,’ won’t be reprising her role in the...