Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving,” born from a fictitious trailer in the Grindhouse Double Feature of 2007, stormed into theaters with a gruesome and gleefully slasher-filled prelude to...
Gravitas Ventures has just revealed the eagerly anticipated North American VOD release date for “Project Dorothy,” an enthralling sci-fi thriller helmed by director George Henry Horton...
AMC gears up for the 2024 release of “Interview with the Vampire” Season 2, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming installment through an exclusive debut...
Universal Pictures, in collaboration with Atomic Monster and Blumhouse, presents “Night Swim,” a spine-chilling supernatural thriller that’s set to redefine your perception of swimming pools. The...
Director Andrew Baird, known for “One Way,” is set to return with “Sunrise,” a vampire horror film hitting theaters and Digital/On-Demand platforms on January 19, 2024....
Beloved actor James McCaffrey, recognized by video game enthusiasts as the iconic voice of Max Payne in the Max Payne series, has sadly passed away at...
Willem Dafoe revisits the haunting world of Nosferatu, transitioning from his role as Max Schreck in 2000’s “Shadow of the Vampire” to portray a human-turned-vampire hunter...
Jenna Ortega’s starring role in “Wednesday” has become a massive success for Netflix, and it seems the streaming giant is brewing up its very own Addams...
The highly anticipated sequel to “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” titled “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” is set to bring the iconic franchise and its original Ghostbusters back to the bustling...
Ahead of its highly anticipated World Premiere at the upcoming Sundance Film Festival 2024, the official poster for Rose Glass’s romantic thriller “Love Lies Bleeding” has...