Today, Deadline reveals an intriguing venture involving the “ambitious new Sino-American fund Stars-Hana,” aiming to transform several upcoming movies, including anticipated horror productions helmed by James...
Following a successful worldwide box office performance of $43 million, Eli Roth’s slasher film “Thanksgiving” premiered for digital rental at $19.99 this week and is now...
Starz has axed the Courteney Cox-led horror series “Shining Vale” after just two seasons, adding to the unfortunate news surrounding the show’s fate. Variety broke the...
The timeless story of Cinderella takes a twisted turn into the realm of rated “R” horror in the upcoming Cinderella’s Curse, and official poster has been...
Lionsgate and director Renny Harlin are gearing up for a fresh trilogy, starting with The Strangers: Chapter 1, set for a theatrical debut on May 17,...
The popular vampire comedy series “What We Do in the Shadows” is meeting its end with the conclusion of its sixth season, as reported by Vulture....
Sydney Sweeney, known for her stellar performances in “The White Lotus” and “Euphoria,” takes the lead in the upcoming psychological horror film “Immaculate,” which has been...
A reimagination of Mary Shelley’s timeless horror tale is on its way to the big screen with “Lisa Frankenstein,” penned by Diablo Cody (known for “Jennifer’s...
Shudder has made a significant acquisition in the realm of Italian horror, securing the documentary “Dario Argento Panico.” Amidst a pantheon of Italian horror auteurs such...
In the upcoming romantic thriller “Love Lies Bleeding,” directed by Rose Glass of “Saint Maud” fame, Kristen Stewart takes center stage in a tale of vengeance...