In October, Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions unveiled plans for “The Black Phone 2,” slated for a theatrical release on June 27, 2025, heralding the emergence...
The horror flick “Lights Out,” produced by James Wan, was a massive success, grossing almost $150 million against a budget just under $5 million upon its...
Last year, Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media successfully resurrected the Scream franchise with its fifth installment, raking in nearly $139 million worldwide. The subsequent arrival of...
The iconic 1928 short film ‘Steamboat Willie,’ marking Mickey Mouse’s debut, recently entered the public domain as of January 1, 2024. The event has sparked a...
Last year, Winnie the Pooh had a surprising twist with ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,’ an unofficial horror movie. Now, it’s Mickey Mouse’s turn to...
Seeking a darker post-apocalyptic MMO experience beyond the realms of Fallout 76? Starry Studio’s upcoming co-op survival MMO, Once Human, might just satisfy that craving. The...
MystiveDev, known for their Survival Horror endeavor Mirror Forge in collaboration with DreadXP, is now venturing into the realm of Bodycam Horror with their latest project,...
Troubles continue to plague the production of ‘Scream 7.’ Following the exits of Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega in recent weeks, director Christopher Landon confirmed his...
Marcel Walz, known for his work on ‘Blood Feast’ and ‘That’s a Wrap,’ is embracing the essence of 1970s cinematic gems with his latest horror venture,...
Recent reports indicate a shift in plans for Jordan Peele’s highly anticipated fourth film, which was initially slated for release on December 25, 2024, by Universal...