Teresa Sutherland, known for her work on “The Wind” and “Midnight Mass,” marks her directorial debut with “Lovely, Dark, and Deep,” a cosmic horror film set...
In the forthcoming horror film “Tarot,” a group of friends inadvertently unleashes an unimaginable evil when they disregard the cardinal rule of Tarot readings – never...
Excitement is rippling through the horror community as reports suggest that the acclaimed filmmaking duo, Joel and Ethan Coen, known for their works such as Fargo,...
Jennifer Nettles, known for her role in The Exorcist: Believer, has secured a spot in Blumhouse TV’s upcoming action horror series, “The Bondsman,” set to stream...
The renowned Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, which served as the inspiration for Stephen King’s iconic horror novel “The Shining,” is set to become a...
WTFilms Secures Global Rights for Dutch Directors’ Outlandish Horror-Comedy ‘Krazy House’ Starring Nick Frost and Alicia Silverstone The English-language debut of Dutch directors Steffan Haars and...
When we initially reported on Zoë Kravitz’s directorial debut, it bore the title “Pussy Island.” However, in a recent update, the thriller is now officially titled...
The appreciation for Karyn Kusama’s 2009 horror film “Jennifer’s Body” has experienced a significant resurgence in recent years, with the fanbase growing and reevaluating the movie’s...
From the creators of ‘Massacre Academy’ and ‘Wolf Hollow’ comes GRIND, a new cosmic horror comedy that depicts the story of a group of college students...
Rue Morgue has unveiled the trailer for director Chad Ferrin’s forthcoming Lovecraft-inspired horror film, “The Old Ones.” Scheduled for release on VOD by Breaking Glass Pictures...