Tom Hardy is set to reprise his role as Venom in Sony’s highly anticipated sequel, “Venom 3,” slated for release later this year. Joining the cast...
Just yesterday, it was revealed that Yorgos Lanthimos (known for “Poor Things”) will be directing an English-language remake of the Korean cult classic “Save the Green...
Prepare for a chilling encounter as Shudder’s upcoming horror thriller, History of Evil, unveils an exclusive new clip, showcasing something eerie lurking in the closet. Mark...
Upcoming horror film “Rosario” offers a gripping premise as revealed in its first look image, depicting a woman grappling with the eerie presence of her deceased...
Iconic label Anchor Bay Entertainment, which is making a comeback in 2024 under the guidance of founders Thomas Zambeck and Brian Katz, has announced the acquisition...
Fresh from the recent releases of Deep Fear on Netflix and No Way Up on VOD, another spine-chilling shark attack thriller is making waves in 2024....
A24 has released the second trailer for Alex Garland’s highly anticipated film “Civil War,” promising a gripping experience. Set to hit theaters and IMAX screens on...
Stephen King has once again taken to Twitter to express his frustration over the delayed release of the highly anticipated adaptation of his novel Salem’s Lot....
In 2020, it was announced that Ari Aster, known for his work on “Hereditary” and “Midsommar,” would produce an English-language remake of the eccentric South Korean...
Reimagining beloved characters from classic tales in a horror setting has become a popular trend as iconic figures enter the public domain. The latest addition to...