Unfortunately, the upcoming fourth season of the Paramount+ horror series “Evil” will mark the show’s final installment. Today, it was announced that the season will premiere...
After an 18-year hiatus, fans of the classic horror franchise “The Omen” are treated to its return to the big screen with director Arkasha Stevenson’s “The...
Get ready for a thrilling ride as the upcoming monster movie “Monster on a Plane” takes flight, offering a high-altitude horror experience reminiscent of the beloved...
Searchlight Pictures has finally unveiled the release date for the highly anticipated horror film “Nightbitch,” starring Amy Adams. The movie is set to hit theaters on...
Prepare for a thrilling ride as Brainstorm Media brings “New Life” to the screen, a tense and genre-bending apocalyptic thriller from the producers of “Something in...
Director Maggie Gyllenhaal is set to revive the iconic Bride of Frankenstein in the upcoming feature film “The Bride!” and we’re excited to share two exclusive...
Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan, the dynamic duo behind the hit film “Creed,” are teaming up once again for an intriguing project that was initially...
The latest installment in the Poohniverse series, “Bambi: The Reckoning,” takes a dark turn, as revealed in its newly released trailer. This time around, the story...
The iconic world of ‘The Matrix‘ is set to expand once more, but this time, it will journey forth without the guiding hands of Lana or...
AMC and AMC+ are gearing up for the highly anticipated release of “Interview with the Vampire” Season 2, set to premiere on Sunday, May 12. This...