Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, the dynamic duo behind the cult classic horror film “28 Days Later” from 2002, are teaming up once again for the...
In the aftermath of the latest trailer drop, Ishana Night Shyamalan’s highly anticipated horror flick, “The Watchers,” once again finds itself with a new release date....
Paramount has recently revealed plans to breathe new life into the beloved Scary Movie spoof series with a fresh reboot installment, slated to hit theaters next...
Wired Productions, known for their involvement with KARMA: The Dark World, has unveiled the release date for their eagerly anticipated gory action game, Gori: Cuddly Carnage....
Following the trend of iconic characters receiving sinister adaptations, Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid” is the latest to undergo a chilling transformation. Originally penned in...
NEON continues to ramp up the intrigue surrounding its upcoming horror offering, “Longlegs,” with the release of the second part of its cryptic teaser video and...
Clue, the timeless murder-mystery game, is making a comeback to screens both big and small, as reported by Variety this week. Sony has set its sights...
New Line Cinema and producer Zach Cregger, known for “Barbarian,” are gearing up to unleash the sci-fi/horror flick “Companion,” which has just secured its “R” rating...
With just under a month remaining until its debut, Lionsgate’s “The Strangers: Chapter 1” is set to kick off a thrilling new reboot trilogy under the...
In a thrilling collaboration, Post Malone, along with Michael Bay and Brad Fuller’s Platinum Dunes, and Vault Comics, has embarked on a journey to create an...