Last fall, ‘A Banquet’ premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and made quite the impression so much that IFC Midnight decided to bring it on...
Renny Harlin (A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Master, Deep Blue Sea) brings a new horror movie titled Carrier. Kate Bosworth (The Domestics), Ron Perlman (Hellboy)...
In a North Dublin housing estate Char’s mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncover the truth of her disappearance and unearth the...
A rapidly spreading virus transforms people into intelligent, ultra-violent, extra-fast zombie hunters. However, after each wave of attack by the monsters, they’re left incapacitated for 32...
The movie come to Hulu on March 18, after being bumped from theatres. “Affleck and de Armas play an attractive young married couple whose mind games...
An article from THR suggests that HBO Max is currently included in the project and Warner Brothers is working on a series adaptation of ‘I Am...
John Wayne Gacy is an unsuspected serial killer who disguised himself as a clown to make children “smile” and was therefore nicknamed: Pogo the clown. John...
The AMC’s Super Bowl tonight gave us the exclusive first look to some new trailer for upcoming movies. Anne Rice’s ‘Interview With The Vampire’ give us...
Jordan Peele, whose fantastic work in the horror genre can be seen with his hit thriller classics, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Us’ has debuted his new film...
Raven Banner has added worldwide rights on Pablo Parés’s Argentinian horror PussyCake to its EFM slate. An all-girl rock band goes on tour only to discover...