From David E. Kelley, Nicole Kidman, and Lionsgate Television comes HBO Max‘s “Love and Death,” a limited true crime series that will be premiering on April...
Production has wrapped in Sydney, Australia on Kiah Roache-Turner’s Sting, inspired by one of humanity’s greatest fears: SPIDERS. The film stars Ryan Corr (House of the...
Universal’s Cocaine Bear by director Elizabeth Banks (Charlie’s Angels) is coming our way in movie theatres on February 24, 2023, and it’s inspired by true events!...
Ishana Night Shyamalan, the daughter of M. Night Shyamalan, will present her feature debut with New Line’s The Watchers. The filming will begin later this 2023...
Five Latino filmmakers have come together for the upcoming horror anthology Satanic Hispanics and the film will be released in theatres this September. “Ahead of EFM,...
From producer Brad Fuller (A Quiet Place) comes the science fiction thriller The Astronaut and today we learn that Emma Roberts and Laurence Fishburne have signed...
Director Kurt Wimmer‘s new take on Stephen King‘s horror novel Children of the Corn has been acquired for release by RLJE Films and Shudder, with the...
Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman) is directing a remake of the horror classic Nosferatu and Emma Corrin (“The Crown”) will star. “Corrin’s role...
Shawnee Smith and Tobin Bell will be back for Saw 10 set to be released on October 27, 2023. Today we learn that the film has...
Production is back underway on David Gordon Green‘s The Exorcist, and today we learn that Raphael Sbarge (“Gaslit”) will be playing a pastor in the upcoming...