This morning, Universal debuted the brand-new Final Trailer for Renfield, a comedy-horror film starring Dracula’s fly-eating henchman. Renfield is portrayed by Nicholas Hoult (The Menu), and...
Deadline reports that the popular video game Five Nights at Freddy’s will be adapted into a feature film by Blumhouse, and Kat Conner Sterling has been...
In addition to being a much-anticipated remake of the most well-known vampire in the world, Renfield appears to be a straight continuation of Tod Browning’s Dracula....
Before the film's debut, more than 30 theaters pulled the microbudget slasher, prompting rumors of political pressure and censorship from China, where an odd and unofficial...
The movie's first trailer has also been made public.
This week, a writer was selected for the Netflix Gears of War feature film project, which was first announced last year. According to a recent story...
In Lionsgate’s Sisu, writer/director Jalmari Helander (Rare Exports, Big Game) is back for another brutal genre film. The official image gallery for the film has now...
From the bestselling author of Last Girls and Survive the Night, Riley Sager’s new novel The House Across the Lake was just released last year, and...
The Well, a dark supernatural thriller directed by Federico Zampaglione, is now filming for four weeks in various locations in Rome. Our first peek is today....
According to sources speaking to Deadline, Universal Pictures will develop Lure, which Platinum Dunes is producing. This shows how busy Universal Pictures and Platinum Dunes producers...