In 2021, the Netflix spinoff film Army of Thieves was created from Zack Snyder’s zombie film Army of the Dead, but what about an actual sequel?...
Following the Oscar victories for Everything Everywhere All At Once, A24 might be returning to the genre-bending well with the disaster comedy Y2K. Kyle Mooney, an...
The Wait (La Espera), a terrifying folk horror tragedy set in the remote, magical, and forgotten Andalusian countryside, is the latest film from Spanish director F....
Check out this exclusive poster and images for ‘The Black Demon’ featuring a Massive Megalodon Shark!
On March 31, 2023, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, from Paramount and eOne, will be released in theaters. Now, the film’s FINAL TRAILER has been...
On April 21, 2023, Beau Is Scared, a comedy about nightmares from A24 and filmmaker Ari Aster (Hereditary, Midsommar), will be released in theaters. A Beau...
What would you be willing to pay to get the one you love back? One of Shudder’s upcoming original horror films, From Black, directed by Thomas...
Please Don’t Feed the Children, directed by Destry Allyn Spielberg, will star Michelle Dockery. The upscale genre feature picture will start shooting in New Mexico by...
Since knowing that Tony Todd will be providing the voice of Venom in Insomniac’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we have been curious about the release date. Todd...
The #1 national bestseller Falling: A Novel, which was published a year ago, will soon be adapted for the big screen, according to Deadline, with T.J....