Renowned for his bone-chilling performances in horror films such as [REC], The Conjuring 2, and IT: Chapter 2, Javier Botet is set to mesmerize audiences once...
London’s renowned FrightFest is set to host the world premiere of the highly anticipated zombie movie ‘Herd‘ on August 26. The film’s trailer has been unveiled,...
Prepare for a captivating new rendition of the classic Frankenstein tale as birth/rebirth, a chilling horror film, is set to hit theaters on August 18. IFC...
Exciting news for horror enthusiasts as ‘Home Sweet Home – Where Evil Lives‘ has been freshly announced and is set to make its World Premiere at...
Exciting news for horror fans as Eddie Izzard is set to star in the highly anticipated film “Doctor Jekyll” from Hammer Studios. The official poster art...
Level 33 Entertainment's New Horror Film "Don't Look Away" to be Released in Theaters on September 1.
Prepare to be captivated by the thrilling sci-fi film “Aporia,” as showcased in its newly released trailer. Starring the talented Judy Greer (known for her roles...
Yesterday, Toho officially announced their next Japanese Godzilla movie, titled “Godzilla Minus One,” and we now have a full reveal of the highly anticipated new Godzilla...
The nominations for the 2023 Emmy Awards were unveiled today during a live ceremony broadcast on the official Emmys website, and the horror genre received significant...
Get ready for an unparalleled battle for survival this summer as Netflix presents “Zombieverse,” a revolutionary horror reality series set in the heart of Seoul, South...