Two of the most anticipated horror movies of 2023 are now available to stream at home: The Last Voyage of the Demeter and The Boogeyman. The...
‘The Nun II’, the sequel to the 2018 horror film The Nun, will be released in theaters on September 8, 2023. The film is directed by...
Stonecutter Media has announced that they will be releasing the Faustian thriller Condition of Return in theaters and on VOD on September 22, 2023. The film...
The award-winning anthology series American Horror Story is returning for its 12th season, titled Delicate. The season will premiere on FX on September 20, 2023, with...
Following its premiere at Sundance earlier this year, Rialto Pictures has unveiled plans for the theatrical release of the contemporary dating thriller “Cat Person” on October...
Almost a year has elapsed since the exciting news broke that Elizabeth Hurley, renowned for her role in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery,” had inked...
American Horror Stories, the spine-chilling spin-off of FX’s enduring horror anthology series, American Horror Story, has become a sensation with its previous two seasons. The inaugural...
Saban Films Unveils Thriller 'In the Fire,' Starring Amber Heard of 'Aquaman,' for Simultaneous Theatrical, Digital, and VOD Release on October 13th.
Shudder and Vertigo Releasing have exciting news to share as they prepare for the release of “Suitable Flesh,” the opening film at FrightFest. This chilling horror...
Peacock’s “Wolf Like Me,” a wonderfully unique blend of romantic comedy and werewolf reports that Season 2 is set to premiere this Halloween! The charismatic duo...