Set to premiere at the London Film Festival in October is “Starve Acre,” a hauntingly captivating creation by director Daniel Kokotajlo. This upcoming film is being...
This Halloween season brings forth a highly anticipated theatrical release, none other than “The Exorcist: Believer,” a fresh “legacy sequel” to the original horror masterpiece helmed...
Joblo reports today that the full trailer for ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge’, has just been released and that you can watch it...
Paco Plaza, known for co-directing the acclaimed “[REC]” series, is bringing us a prequel to his chilling film “Veronica” titled “Sister Death” (also known as “Hermana...
In 2021, the third installment of the renowned horror franchise, “The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It,” continued the tradition of drawing inspiration from real-life...
Yorgos Lanthimos, known for his distinctive films such as “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” and “Dogtooth,” is making a return to the big screen with...
The upcoming release of “Saw X” has fans of the franchise eagerly awaiting its arrival on the big screen. This new installment is set to bridge...
The official poster for R.L. Stine’s upcoming horror comedy film, Zombie Town, has been released. The film is based on Stine’s 2012 novel of the same...
Anthony C. Ferrante, the director of the cult classic Sharknado and its five sequels, has released his latest shark movie, Blind Waters. The film is now...
The acclaimed director and writer team of David Fincher and Andrew Kevin Walker are back together for the first time since their 1995 masterpiece Se7en. The...