Newly released horror thriller Smile feels almost reminiscent of early 2010s horror films that deal with the complexities of the mind and trauma. What separates Smile...
Netflix’s newest addition to its true crime catalogue, Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story, is just the most recent example of serial killer stories becoming overly dramatized....
It begins on a dark and stormy night… Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but it’s probably safe to say you haven’t seen anything...
During the 1930s, Cleveland, OH was a city on the rise. It rapidly began growing as a manufacturing hub, and with that brought laborers and workers...
Peacock’s newest horror feature, They/Them is a psychological thriller that follows a group of LGBTQ teens’ struggle for survival at a sadistic conversion therapy camp, while...
The Miyazawa’s were a typical middle class family living in the Setagaya ward of Tokyo, Japan. Mikio Miyazawa, his wife Yasuko, and their children Niina and...
Elem Klimov’s 1985 film Come and See starts out not unlike many other war films, with a scene conceptualizing the day-to-day life in a war zone....
Do you believe in blessings? This is the first question we’re asked in Kevin Ko’s new film, Incantation. Blessings can be used to spread prosperity, and...
Every year, hundreds of people go missing in US national parks, let's talk about the most disturbing ones...
The Boys has gained high acclaim for its brutal, ultra-violent action and biting satire of the superhero genre, but the newest season proves that it is...