Prepare to be enthralled and terrified as the pages of the horror comic Black Rose Omen: The Bondage unfurl the chilling tale of Karl Joseph Haumann, better known...
Marilyn Manson, the enigmatic embodiment of terror and goth rock, emerges from the shadows with his bone-chilling album “Heaven Upside Down,” conjuring a mature reinterpretation of...
In a world dominated by incredible heroes and villains, one unusual protagonist comes to deliver justice in the most unexpected way. “Eggbeater” is a thrilling comic...
Everyone knows that horror can cause us to feel terror, revulsion, and even paranoia. But the genre has a longstanding tradition of causing other emotions; sadness...
The concept of horror has always been a popular one in film and literature. Naturally, it translates well into comics, one of the most exciting media...