John Carpenter’s Halloween is an all-time classic that is still a major touchstone for the month of October. The tale of Laurie Strode and Michael Myers is built...
Ben Fordesman’s cinematography (known for “Saint Maud”) shines as the standout feature in “The Origin,” complemented by the picturesque Scottish Highlands that provide a striking yet...
In writer/director JT Mollner’s “Strange Darling,” our female protagonist boldly challenges societal norms, raising questions about gender roles and the boundaries of consent. The film transcends...
In his latest and final series collaboration with Netflix, creator Mike Flanagan ventures into the haunting world of Edgar Allan Poe with “The Fall of the...
Following the resounding success of “Smile,” the spine-tingling horror film adapted from his own short film “Laura Hasn’t Slept,” Parker Finn is set to terrify audiences...
The highly anticipated Saw X is gearing up to take fans of the franchise on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. As the brand new tenth...
After an extensive two-year stint in Early Access, Vanimals’ zombie survival masterpiece, “UNDYING,” is set to make its grand exit from the service, gearing up for...
Cinephiles will once again be thrust into the eerie world of demonic possession as “The Exorcist: Believer,” a legacy sequel to the iconic original, prepares to...
The title of the movie has now been changed to ‘Out of Darkness’ check the latest article! Prepare to journey back 45,000 years into the depths...
Brian Duffield’s ‘No One Will Save You,’ now available for streaming on Hulu, unfolds as a haunting symphony of silence, primarily driven by Kaitlyn Dever’s remarkable...