Filmmaker Shaun Meyer is gearing up for the release of Episode 2 of “Carrier: A Raccoon City Story” a year after the first episode premiered. Titled...
Following the return of the Evil Dead franchise to theaters earlier this year with Evil Dead Rise, the beloved horror-comedy TV series “Ash vs. Evil Dead”...
French Canadian directing trio RKSS returned to the spotlight with their latest film, “Wake Up,” which had its world premiere at Fantastic Fest over the weekend....
Following Saber Interactive’s decision to discontinue new content development for Evil Dead: The Game, October Games has unveiled an exciting update for Puppet Master: The Game....
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a creature feature with a serious tone, especially one featuring real-world animals rather than fictitious monsters. This sub-genre often...
Writer/Director Dan Brown’s inaugural feature, “Your Lucky Day,” takes a simple premise and infuses it with palpable tension and high-stakes confrontations. In the midst of Christmastime,...
In Stephen King’s 1983 novel “Pet Sematary,” long-time Ludlow resident Jud Crandall shares the town’s history with the cursed burial ground. “Pet Sematary: Bloodlines,” the prequel...
Halloween season is the spookiest time of the year, and we now have the official list of the top 10 movies you should consume this Halloween...
AMC FearFest is a classic horrorthon run on the AMC channel, or you can watch live on the AMC+ app, where there will be over 700 hours...
Oili Varpy is a Russian doll maker who has a love of Mogwai creatures from Gremlins. But she also adores horror movies (and all things pop culture). She...