Exciting news is on the horizon as Samara Weaving, known for her roles in “Ready or Not” and “Scream VI,” takes the lead in the upcoming...
Netflix has assembled an extraordinary ensemble cast for its upcoming apocalypse thriller, “Leave the World Behind,” directed by the creator of “Mr. Robot,” Sam Esmail. Vanity...
Blowfish Studios and Indiesruption, the game’s developer, have announced the release date for “Vlad Circus: Descend into Madness” following its upcoming appearance at the Steam Next...
Today, we’ve been treated to a sneak peek at the upcoming Showtime Original Series, “The Curse,” complete with its official teaser trailer. Notably, the series is...
The tenth installment of any franchise, especially in the horror genre, is a momentous occasion. It all began in 2004 with “Saw,” a mind-bending thriller that...
Prepare for More Howls and Hilarity: "Wolf Like Me" Season 2 Unveils Official Trailer.
Earlier this year, acclaimed director M. Night Shyamalan embarked on the production of “Trap,” a psychological thriller intriguingly “set at a concert,” slated for release by...
Anna Zlokovic’s directorial debut, the body horror film “Appendage,” had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival earlier this year. Now, it’s gearing up for...
The Director of "Fear the Invisible Man" Resurrects Classic Monster in "Frankenstein: Legacy
Cult Software Presents Gritty First-Person Action in "2×4 Nails" Demo for Steam Next Fest