Late this year, the picturesque landscapes of Northern Ireland will provide the haunting backdrop for the filming of the upcoming horror film “The Morrigan,” as reported...
As 2022 drew to a close, we received exciting news that production had concluded on the enigmatic psychedelic horror film titled “The Trip.” The film boasts...
Get ready for an early New Year’s Eve celebration with Tubi’s latest spine-tingling offering, the Tubi Original horror movie titled “Dante’s Hotel.” This hair-raising film is...
French Filmmaker Franck Khalfoun Returns with Survival Horror Film 'Night of the Hunted'.
Anthony Hickox, Director of 'Waxwork' and 'Hellraiser III,' Passes Away at 64.
Celebrating 20 Years of "The Mothman Prophecies" - Director Mark Pellington Hints at Mothman's Return.
Fans of psychological horror are in for a treat as Vertical Reach’s throwback title, ‘The Tartarus Key,’ is set to receive a physical release for both...
Mike Flanagan's Upcoming Netflix Series "The Fall of the House of Usher" Premieres in Three Days.
Australian ten-year-old Tyson is a kid after our own bloody heart. He loves to dress up during Halloween and scare people around the neighborhood. Last year it...
David Gordon Green Reflects on "The Exorcist: Believer" and Collaborating with Ellen Burstyn.